Environmental Teaching Internship
Chandigarh, India
AIESEC is one of the largest student run non-profit organization. It aims to activate leadership in youth through "experiential learning, volunteer experiences and professional internships."
I joined AIESEC in Miami during the Fall of 2015 semester. The functions I have been a part of are Marketing, Outgoing Exchange, and I am currently a Team Leader for Talent Management which is basically the HR of our organization on campus.
We help create leaders by providing students with leadership opportunities and a chance to go abroad on one of our projects that are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Overall Experience
I went to Chandigarh, India on an environmental and teaching related non-paid internship. I spent two months in Chandigarh (mid June to beginning of August) greeted by AIESECers there and lived with a lovely host family.
I got to travel and experience even more of India compared to the first time I went in 2014 for study abroad. I was even able to attend an Indian wedding. I was invited from one of the friends I made at the Jain School in Ladnun. It was a great experience seeing their traditions and being a part of it all.
While in Chandigarh I met other interns from around the world-- Taiwan, Egypt and other states in the U.S.-- making lifelong friendships. I not only got to learn more about India but all these distinct countries as well, broadening my horizons even further.
I gained valuable life lessons and professional skills from this internship. Becoming goal oriented, striving to excel, understanding the values of not only those around me but my own personal goals. I am now even more globally engaged.
Tajinders English Center
I interned for a month in June at Tajinders English Center. Here, I helped students prepare for the IELTS exam by conducting mock interviews. I would provide feedback on areas that they could improve and qualities they may already posses. This helped build their character and over time I saw drastic improvements in various students who soon could communicate more easily.
New Millenium School
Once the school period began in July I was a teachers assistant at the New Millenium School in Chandigarh. Mrs. Mandeep was the science teacher for several classes and I shadowed her throughout the day. We would have four class periods a day. We were teaching kinder the basic social sciences, followed by third grade astronomy, then fourth grade life science and ending the day with ninth grade biology. The classes were conducted in English and students would have to read, comprehend, answer question, and do projects. These are the tasks I would assist with, helping students understand information that they may not have grasped from the lesson at the beginning.
I had to prepare a project and held my own class on one of their Saturday school periods. I took the opportunity to teach students about endangered animals in their country such as the Bengal Tiger and Indian Rhino (also known as One-Horned Rhino). They each had cut outs of the animals where they would fill in with information. They learned the difference between endangered and extinct, facts about each animal, why it is detrimental to the ecosystem and they had to come up with solutions that they thought could be implemented.
During my time at the New Millenium School I also created a behavior chart. Teachers were having difficulties with students and their in class behavior. So I conducted a social experiment with the fourth grade life science class. I created a chart with all of their names and different tasks they should accomplish throughout the period and if they fulfilled these tasks they would gain a sticker near their name. The students reacted positively towards the chart encouraging others to listen and follow the class rules. At the end of my internship they received a certificate and goodie bag from me. The director of the school loved the idea and said he would try implementing the chart in more of the classrooms.